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Outsourcing Services

Digitization of data and content are very crucial in the enablement of our digital eco-system and economy. Keeping this extremely important aspect in mind, Avenir offers a wide range of outsourcing services including scanning, indexing, quality and data management, transcription and NLP (Natural Language Processing) training data generation.


Scanning of records:
Color scanning of Legal/A4/A3 documents
Unbinding and binding of physical documents


Indexing and metadata tagging for associating documents with different tags for easy document search and retrieval

Quality Assurance

Data Quality checks:
proper orientation & merging and splitting of images, redundancy check, resolution fixing, deskewing, margin, cropping, verification and
Image correction

Data Management

Content management
Data entry into system
Content authoring or data content creation
Data definition and data classification for proper data management

Transcription Service

Quality audit and rectification of transcribed data in multi-lingual applications.

NLP Training Data Service

Generate, annotate machine learning data for use in Artificial Intelligence based Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications.

AI/ML training data generation and quality audit for NLP startup firm


Let’s work together on your
next data and content related outsourcing requirement

Be it digitization of physical documents, data entry, indexing, meta data generation, master data management, transcription, quality data generation and annotation for AI / ML (machine learning) applications, Avenir is ready to help.